Charcoal Art

Mary Low – Bogle Crag – 2006


Material: Paint

Trail: Bogle Crag Trail

Theme: Local History

Form: Figurative – Humans

Maps Featured on: 2006

Status: Weathered, one mural remains, Oct 22

Quote from the Artist: “These ephemeral art works have been created in response to both the natural and working forest. The charcoal images seek to reveal the unseen, in the past and the present.”

Inspired by the forest’s history of charcoal burning. This artwork consisted of at least 4 different charcoal drawings all positioned on the Bogle Crag Trail. Three of the artworks are clustered together on the huge outcrop which previously held Chieftain on a Hot Spot. Due to the nature of the material within two years the artwork was extremely hard to view anymore. That being said the one image, which can be seen above, on the sheltered side still survives to this day.

Wheel of Life


Photo courtesy of Mary Low

Made to mimic prehistoric cave art paintings, but also embracing Grizedale, its animals and working traditions. The largest piece was on the flat side of the outcrop. It was a large circle with pictographs around the edge. Two of the pictographs around the edge are just about visible in my photo below. The left is a hiker, right is a logging machine. Other pictographs include a deer, horse rider and cyclist, representing different aspects of the forest.



Photo courtesy of Mary Low

On the side of the outcrop by the road is a sharp square edged rock with art on two sides, which can be seen in the top photograph. One image, the clearer of the two, is a more traditional one, with a man killing a boar. The other depicts a forester with a chainsaw working in the forest. A clear image of which can be seen here, showing how the forest has changed over time.

Secret Stag

Also further up the track, on the hill top I found a large charcoal stag. Distant from the activity in the artworks above, as the red deer are in the forest. This does makes me wonder if there were any more made at the time that I never found.


Photographs Taken September 2008

Page last updated Oct 2022