Monument to Satterthwaite

Nigel Lloyd – High Bowkerstead – 1983

Photo from ‘Aspects Journal’ 1983

Material: Wood, Stone

Trail: Silurian Way

Theme: Buildings

Form: Abstract

Maps Featured on: 1984

Status: Removed, no remains

Quote from the Artist – “I constructed three large viewing platforms (in the hope that people would stand/sit/eat picnics on them) each one had a stone cairn on top, and although the platforms were made at different heights due to the contours of the glade, the stone on top remained a constant, so that the viewer standing on one platform, could sight along the top of the stone to the other two, thus levelling up the area”.

The first of 5 sculptures Nigel Lloyd made during a 6 month residency in 1983. It took 6 weeks to make. The location of this is unknown to me however Nigel described it in an article in Aspects Journal in 1983. “All the work is sited along a nine mile nature trail, so choice of site is very important… The area chosen for the first piece Monument to Satterthwaite was a conifer plantation thinned the previous year, so safe from felling for the next 5/10 years. The area was ideally suited to the half-formed idea in my head – a small glade open with good sunlight filtering through, near three tracks used by walkers.”

Photo from ‘Aspects Journal’ 1983

“The Title of the piece came about through hearing two forestry workers talking (trying to direct a group of lost walkers) and saying “if you go up past the monument and follow the track back to Satterthwaite…” What better way of having a piece of work titled; the locals now know it as the ‘Monument’, and it takes on a personal quality.”

It can’t have lasted very long, it went prior to December 1984.

Artist’s other work in Grizedale –

For the Birds – 1983

The Fortress – 1983

Half Moon Stakes – 1983

Red Stone Wallow – 1983


Page last updated April 2020