
Michael Lyons – Unsited – 1984


Material: Metal

Trail: Unsited

Form: Abstract

Michael had a residency at Grizedale where he spent three weeks drawing. He worked in the studio there producing artwork out of steel. He spent a long time looking for a site in the forest for a large scale artwork and found one, however the finance for a large scale work wasn’t there and so it never happened.

Lyons also says that at the time he felt putting a “steel sculpture at Grizedale seemed a bit at odds with everything else in he forest”, though he no longer feels that. At the time all the sculptures in the forest were constructed out of wood and stone from the forest.

A small artwork was produced however with the title of Stagnight, it’s dimensions being 141 x 140 x 108  cm. This sculpture has subsequently been shown multiple times, most recently in an exhibition in York in 2016 entitled ‘Half Light’.  The photos here are of Stagnight from that exhibition. As they were taken out in a forest this gives an idea of how it would have looked positioned in Grizedale.

Photo Courtesy of Michael Lyons

Lyons still uses Stagnight and the work he did in Grizedale to produce new artwork.

Hawkshead School Project

As well as creating work for the sculpture trail, Mike also worked with a local school as documented below in Inform Magazine winter 1984.



Page last updated April 2020