God Of Thunder (4)

Shigeo Toya – Raven Crag – 1995

god of thunder
Photograph from Grizedale Archive by Val Corbett

Material: Wood

Trail: Bogle Crag Trail

Theme: Nature

Form: Realism

Maps Featured on: 1996 – 2005

Status: Still in situ, damaged, Aug 18

Quote from the Artist: “Pain accompanies anger. The Thunder-God makes a wry face. Pain is transmitted to a tree in a fusion with the Thunder-God. The allegorical tree is full of death and yet beautiful. The tree that is handed down in stories. A signpost that leads to the other side of the door.”

Photograph from ‘Natural Order’ Book by Bill Grant


Photograph from postcard by Grizedale Society

The title of this work is God of Thunder 4. When I was younger I assumed the other 3 were also in Grizedale, they aren’t, this is the only one, but fourth overall by the artist. Just off the Silurian Way at Breasty Haw on the path heading down hill towards Dale Park. Positioned on a large outcrop, it was originally a tall white pinnacle, created by carving a tall tree and replanting it.

God of Thunder

Photographs by Mike Kewley. Website Link Here.

This had two waymarkers as it was so far off the Silurian Way, created and sited in 1997. The one above, was half way towards the sculpture, and is carved in the same style as it only with a small mouse on top. I am unsure what the other marker was.


I went to find it again in 2018, which was extremely difficult due to the growth of scrub and bramble. It also cannot be seen from the path, making finding it a bit of a guessing game. I did locate it. The top has fallen off and the pinnacle has weathered. It is now a shade of brown indistinguishable from the surrounding trees. The pines having long since been felled, birch trees have now grown up in their place.

IMG_8126webAbove, a close up of the carved trunk of the sculpture. Below the top of the sculpture which having snapped off, now lies on the floor, just next to the rest of the artwork.


Photos taken 2018

Artist’s other work in Grizedale –

Underground Tree – 1997

Artist’s Website: shugoarts.com

Page last updated November 2020